NuaEPA® 1200 (90 Capsules)
Mediterranean Pure Natural Health
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1. What is NuaEPA®
NuaEPA® is from Nua Biological Innovations S.L.
NuaEPA® is a highly pure and concentrated EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) food supplement, a type of marine omega-3 fatty acid present in cold water fish. Together with DHA) docosahexaenoic acid), they are two of the most relevant omega-3 fatty acids for human health. They cannot be produced by our body and we therefore depend entirely on our diet to acquire them.
NuaEPA is obtained from peruvian anchovy oil caught in the wild from sustainable fisheries and provides one of the most concentrated omega-3 supplements of the market (approx. 93% per softgel).
(90 softgels) : 1 softgel of NuaEPA 1200 provides min. 1200 mg of pure EPA as triglyceride.
Advice on use of EPA1200
Since EPA1200 has very minimal blood thinning effect, if you are on blood thinners, please enquire your doctor first.
EPA is suitable for children 12 years old or over. (please use DHA for children under 12 years of age.)
2. What is the difference between pure EPA and the OTC Omega 3 capsule?
OTC Omega-3 supplements often contain a combination of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in 1.5 ratio and typically one lower price capsule contains 2 g of fish oil and only 1 g is EPA+DHA.
Several clinical trials have shown that only high dose EPA supplements appear to reduce major adverse cardiovascular events.
A new study that measured omega-3s in people’s blood found that high levels of EPA were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular events, whereas DHA appeared to counter the beneficial effects of EPA.
The findings suggest that combining EPA and DHA in a supplement may void any potential benefits for heart health. The anti-inflammatory effect of EPA would also be reduced with the presence of DHA.
1. 甚麽是NuaEPA®
NuaEPA® 是一種高純度和濃縮的 EPA(二十碳五烯酸)食品補充劑,是一種存在於冷水魚中的海洋 omega-3 脂肪酸。與 DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)一起,它們是與人類健康最相關的兩種 omega-3 脂肪酸。它們不能由我們的身體產生,因此我們完全依賴於我們的飲食來獲取它們。
NuaEPA 從可持續漁業中野生捕獲的秘魯鳀魚油中提取,是市場上濃度最高的 omega-3 補充劑之一(每粒軟膠囊約 93%)。(90 粒軟膠囊):1 粒 NuaEPA 1200 軟膠囊可提供最低限度。 1200 毫克純 EPA 甘油三酯。
NuaEPA1200 使用建議
由於 EPA1200 的血液稀釋作用非常小,如果您正在服用血液稀釋劑,請先諮詢您的醫生。EPA 適用於 12 歲或以上的兒童。 (12歲以下兒童請使用DHA。)
2. 純EPA和在櫃臺(OTC) Omega 3膠囊有什麼區別?
在櫃檯OTC買到的Omega-3 補充劑通常含有比例為 1.5 的二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 和二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 的組合。例如一個價格較低的膠囊含有 2 克魚油,只有 1 克是 EPA+DHA,有1克是多餘下肚之油。
幾項臨床試驗表明,只有高劑量的 EPA 補充劑才能減少主要的心血管不良事件。
一項測量人們血液中 omega-3s 的新研究發現,高水平的 EPA 與較低的心血管事件風險相關,而 DHA 似乎抵消了 EPA 的有益作用。研究結果表明,在補充劑中結合 EPA 和 DHA 可能會使心臟健康的任何潛在益處無效。 DHA 的存在也會降低 EPA 的抗炎作用。
*NuaEPA – Uses and Application* (from Nua Biological Innovations, Spain)
*NuaEPA – 用途和應用* (資料由總公司供應, 香港中文翻譯)
USES of EPA (eicosanpentanoid acid)
*Inflammatory conditions & EPA*
The anti-inflammatory effects of EPA are based, to a large extent, on its ability to fight the pro-inflammatory effect generated in our body, by one of the most abundant fats in our diet called arachidonic acid (AA), which is especially abundant in animal foods (i.e. meat, sausages, dairy products, fish, salamis, sauces etc.).
While DHA also has important anti-inflammatory properties, EPA exhibits a broader array of mechanisms against inflammation. Some of them resemble those of typical NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, i.e. Aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen etc.) and corticosteroids, whilst others are anti-inflammatory strategies exclusive to EPA (i.e. Endogenous transformation in our organism of EPA into E series Resolvins and Protectins, substances with well-known anti-inflammatory effects).
EPA 的抗炎作用在很大程度上取決於它對抗我們體內產生的促炎作用的能力,這是我們飲食中最豐富的脂肪之一,稱為花生四烯酸 (AA),尤其是富含動物性食物(即肉、香腸、乳製品、魚、意大利臘腸、醬汁等)。
雖然 DHA 還具有重要的抗炎特性,但 EPA 表現出更廣泛的抗炎機制。其中一些類似於典型的非甾體抗炎藥(非甾體抗炎藥,即阿司匹林、萘普生、布洛芬等)和皮質類固醇,而另一些則是 EPA 獨有的抗炎策略(即我們體內 EPA 的內源性轉化) E 系列 Resolvins 和 Protectins,這些物質具有眾所周知的抗炎作用)。
Unlike conventional anti-inflammatory drugs, that produce an effect within hours, the effects of *EPA begins to be noticed 7-15 days after taking the appropriate dose* (ie. 1-2 softgels/day of NuaEPA®1200), since a certain amount of EPA must be stored in our cell membranes (or fatty boundary surrounding all the cells of our body) before its beneficial effects can be deployed. Therefore, NuaEPA® is especially indicated for people who suffer from chronic inflammatory processes (ie. Atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, autoimmune diseases etc.), rather than acute ones.
與傳統消炎藥不同,在數小時內產生效果,在服用適當劑量(即 NuaEPA®1200 1-2 粒/天)後 7-15 天,EPA 的作用開始顯現,因為一定量EPA 必須儲存在我們的細胞膜(或我們身體所有細胞周圍的脂肪邊界)中,然後才能發揮其有益作用。因此,NuaEPA® 特別適用於患有慢性炎症過程(即動脈粥樣硬化、內皮功能障礙、自身免疫性疾病等)而不是急性炎症的人群。
Experience over the years with NuaEPA®1200 has shown that, once its effects begin to be noticed, it is often possible to reduce the intake of conventional anti-inflammatory drugs or even stop taking them. This would certainly contribute to reduce undesirable secondary effects derived from the chronic use of such type of drugs. In addition, due to its characteristics, the effects of EPA last throughout most of the day.
多年來使用 NuaEPA®1200 的經驗表明,一旦開始注意到其效果,通常可以減少傳統抗炎藥的攝入量,甚至停止服用。這肯定有助於減少因長期使用此類藥物而產生的不良副作用。此外,由於其特性,EPA 的作用持續一整天。
The recommended dose to exploit the potential of EPA at its maximum is of 2 g/day (approx. 2 NuaEPA®1200/day). Below this dose, the range of improvement that an omega-3 can offer in inflammatory conditions is lower.
Normally, if the inflammatory process is not too severe, 2 NuaEPA®1200/day should suffice. However, sometimes, if a stronger initial anti-inflammatory effect is desired, this can be achieved by initially taking larger doses over short periods of time. An initial ‘shock’ dose could be 3g-5g EPA /day, and then gradually move down to 2g per day. In the case of NuaEPA®1200, it could be possible to start taking 4 softgels/day distributed in several doses with food (ie. 1 + 1 + 2) for 4-7 days, and then move down to 3 softgels/day (ie. 0 + 1 + 2) for another 4-7 days and finally stabilise in 2 softgels/day.
最能發揮 EPA 潛力的推薦劑量為 2 克/天(約 2 NuaEPA®1200/天)。低於此劑量,omega-3 在炎症條件下提供的改善範圍較低。
通常,如果炎症過程不太嚴重,每天 2 NuaEPA®1200 就足夠了。然而,有時,如果需要更強的初始抗炎作用,這可以通過最初在短時間內服用較大劑量來實現。最初的“衝擊”劑量可能是 3g-5g EPA/天,然後逐漸降低到每天 2g。在 NuaEPA®1200 的情況下,可以開始服用 4 粒軟膠囊/天,與食物一起分幾次服用(即 1 + 1 + 2),持續 4-7 天,然後減至每天 3 粒軟膠囊(即 0 + 1 + 2) 再使用 4-7 天,最後穩定在 2 粒軟膠囊/天中。
Once the effects of EPA are apparent, it may be possible to use a maintenance dose by alternating 2 and 1 softgels in different days (ie. Mondays 2 NuaEPA®1200, Tuesdays 1 NuaEPA® 1200, etc.).
IMPORTANT REMARK: unlike fat soluble vitamins (ie. Vitamins A, D, E and K), where overdosing could be dangerous, taking grams of pure and concentrated supplements of EPA (or DHA) poses no problem. Although initially these fatty acids locate themselves in the cell membrane, they do not remain there permanently, as they are regularly being released from the membrane and transformed by the body into derivates with powerful healthy attributes.
The safety profile of NuaEPA®1200 at the recommended dose is very high.
一旦 EPA 的效果明顯,就可以通過在不同的日子(即星期一 2 NuaEPA®1200、星期二 1 NuaEPA® 1200 等)交替使用 2 粒和 1 粒軟膠囊來使用維持劑量。
重要提示:與脂溶性維生素(即維生素 A、D、E 和 K)不同,因為維生素 A、D、E 和 K過量服用可能會帶來危險。服用 EPA(或 DHA)的純和濃縮補充劑克數沒有問題。雖然這些脂肪酸最初位於細胞膜中,但它們不會永久留在那裡,因為它們會定期從細胞膜中釋放出來並被身體轉化為具有強大健康屬性的衍生物。
NuaEPA®1200 在推薦劑量下的安全性非常高。
*Some inflammatory conditions where EPA can be helpful are:*
- joint or muscle problems (i.e. Arthritis, muscle stress due to sports practice, musculoskeletal traumatism etc.).
- respiratory inflammation (i.e. Bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergic asthma etc.).
- brain inflammation (i.e. Trauma, concussion, autoimmune diseases etc.).
- skin inflammatory conditions (i.e. Psoriasis, eczema etc.).
*EPA 可以提供幫助的一些炎症狀況是:*
- 關節或肌肉問題(即關節炎、運動練習引起的肌肉壓力、肌肉骨骼創傷等)。
- 呼吸道炎症(即支氣管炎、肺炎、COPD-慢性阻塞性肺病、過敏性哮喘等)。
- 腦部炎症(即外傷、腦震盪、自身免疫性疾病等)。
- 皮膚炎症(即牛皮癬、濕疹等)。
Tissue damage, whether of infectious or sterile (non-infectious) origin, always results in an inflammatory process where pro-inflammatory substances are released into the surrounding tissues (ie. Cytokines, prostaglandins etc), contributing even further to the damage of the affected tissues. If we include in our diet a high concentrate of EPA (ie. NuaEPA®1200), once the body has incorporated sufficient amount of EPA into the damaged area, it will be possible to activate mechanisms that can reduce significantly the production of pro-inflammatory substances and thus, to contain the damage to tissues and cells.
In a way, EPA can be viewed as an ‘inflammatory debris scavenger’ that will result in a less hostile terrain and thus, enable a better assimilation of other active substances that one may wish to take. As an example, if a person has an inflamed bronchial tree, it would make sense to first reduce the inflammation of the lining of the air conducts (i.e. With EPA) and then provide nutrients to strengthen the actual area (i.e. Betacarotene, reishi, perilla, vitamin C etc.) or in the case of a damaged joint, reduce the local inflammation and then, take a supplement to reinforce the local tissues (i.e. Collagen, hyaluronic acid etc.).
組織損傷,無論是感染性還是無菌(非感染性)起源,總是會導致炎症過程,其中促炎物質釋放到周圍組織中(即細胞因子、前列腺素等),進一步加劇受影響的損傷組織。如果我們在飲食中加入高濃度的 EPA(即NuaEPA®1200),一旦身體將足夠量的 EPA 納入受損區域,就有可能激活可以顯著減少促炎產生的機制物質,從而遏制對組織和細胞的損害。
在某種程度上,EPA 可以被視為一種“炎症性碎片清除劑”,它可以減少不利的環境,從而更好地吸收人們可能希望服用的其他活性物質。例如,如果一個人的支氣管樹發炎,那麼首先減少空氣導管內壁的炎症(即使用 EPA)然後提供營養以加強實際區域(即β胡蘿蔔素、靈芝)、紫蘇、維生素 C 等)或在關節受損的情況下,減輕局部炎症,然後服用補充劑以增強局部組織(即膠原蛋白、透明質酸等)。
*Cardiovascular health & EPA*
EPA, like DHA, has been shown to reduce blood triglycerides (2-3g EPA/day) a type of fat which, in excess, poses a risk to cardiovascular health. In addition, EPA can reduce LDL cholesterol to some extent and partly prevent its oxidation. Moreover, in atherosclerosis, EPA has shown to stabilise the atherosclerotic plaque.
Likewise, given its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a very interesting fatty acid as a support in any cardiovascular problem where inflammation is present. Recently, EPA has received significant media attention in the world of science after the results of two important studies that brought out its relevance in improving the cardiovascular health of patients with severe cardiovascular disorders. More specifically, through the JELIS (1,8 g EPA/day) and REDUCE-IT (4 g EPA/day) studies, it has been shown that taking EPA together with statins provides greater benefits than taking statins alone.
IMPORTANT REMARK: those who are taking anticoagulants, should be cautious with the use of EPA since, doses beyond 2.5-3 g of EPA / day, could have a summatory effect and thin the blood in excess (please consult your heart doctor before starting). However, this effect is not significant nor widespread and does not increase the bleeding time.
*心血管健康與 EPA 二十碳五烯酸*
EPA 與 DHA 一樣,已被證明可以降低血液中的甘油三酯(2-3 克 EPA/天),這種脂肪過多會對心血管健康構成風險。此外,EPA在一定程度上可以降低低密度脂蛋白膽固醇,部分防止其氧化。此外,在動脈粥樣硬化中,EPA 已顯示穩定動脈粥樣硬化斑塊。 同樣,鑑於其抗炎特性,它是一種非常有趣的脂肪酸,可作為存在炎症的任何心血管問題的支持。最近,在兩項重要研究的結果顯示其與改善嚴重心血管疾病患者的心血管健康相關性之後,EPA 在科學界受到了媒體的極大關注。更具體地說,通過 JELIS(1.8 克 EPA/天)和 REDUCE-IT(4 克 EPA/天)研究表明,將 EPA 與他汀類藥物一起服用比單獨服用他汀類藥物具有更大的益處。 重要提示:正在服用抗凝劑的人應謹慎使用 EPA,因為超過 2.5-3 克 EPA / 天的劑量可能會產生總結效應並導致過多的血液稀釋 (服用 EPA 前請先諮詢你的心臟醫生)。然而,這種影響並不顯著也不廣泛,並且不會增加出血時間。
*Neurological health & EPA*
According to several studies, an interesting potential of EPA in neuropsychiatric disorders (ie schizophrenia, bipolar illness, depression, etc.) has been confirmed, either alone or in combination with psychotropic drugs.
Dosage of approx. 2.5 g of EPA (approx. 2 softgels of NuaEPA®1200), can offer interesting support in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disease etc. The intake of EPA in these cases is always compatible with that of DHA (1-2 g / day), since this last fatty acid by itself, has important attributions in the brain that will undoubtedly contribute to a greater well-being.
根據幾項研究,EPA 在神經精神疾病(即精神分裂症、雙相情感障礙、抑鬱症等)中的一個有趣的潛力已被證實,無論是單獨使用還是與精神藥物聯合使用。 劑量約。 2.5 克 EPA(約 2 粒 NuaEPA®1200 軟膠囊),可為精神分裂症、雙相情感障礙等患者提供有益的支持。在這些情況下,EPA 的攝入量始終與 DHA 的攝入量相容(1-2 克/天) ,因為這最後一種脂肪酸本身在大腦中具有重要的作用,這無疑將有助於提高幸福感。
1. Omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory processes: nutrition or pharmacology?
2. Prescription omega-3 fatty acid products containing highly purified eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Trouble Swallowing EPA capsules?
Advice on swallowing capsules from Medpurenaturalhk: feedback from some customers that the nuaEPA1200 capsules are too big to swallow. There are those who think it is easy to swallow. In fact, if there are difficulties in swallowing either Hidroxinua25 or EPA1200, we recommend the “Lean Forward Method” which helps over 95% of customers in swallowing any size of CAPSULES. Reference from below: --
Medpurenaturalhk 吞服膠囊的建議:一些客戶反饋說nuaEPA1200 膠囊太大而無法吞嚥。有些人認為它很容易吞嚥。事實上,如果吞嚥 Hidroxinua25 或 EPA1200 有困難,我們推薦“前傾法”,它可以幫助超過 95% 的客戶吞嚥任何大小的膠囊。以下文章可供參考: --
Trouble Swallowing Pills? Try The 'Pop Bottle' Or The 'Lean Forward'